
Dry transformer core rust hazards


 The iron core of the dry transformer is also very vulnerable to damage, then the common dry transformer often occurs in the failure of the dry transformer core rust, then the common dry transformer core rust hazard is what? We still have a small edition of the transformer manufacturer to understand in detail what is the harm of dry transformer core rust:



(1) Maintenance tools and special tools: common maintenance tools (a set of adjustable or socket wrench, screwdriver, etc.), lifting tools, shaking meter (specification 2 500 V), electric portable fan, etc. (2) Maintenance process and standards (including test items) (1) Inspection treatment of cabinet and transformer joints (1) Open the transformer cabinet, check the connection status of all wires, pay attention to the charging interval and other live equipment. (2) Check the cable and lead, whether there is overheating, discoloration, screw loosening phenomenon, pay attention to protect the insulator. (3) Check the grounding cable of the cabinet. (4) Verify that the location and group of taps are consistent with those on the standard nameplate drawing. (5) Disassemble the high and low side leads and pay attention to protecting the insulators. (2) Transformer cleaning Check the cleanliness of the transformer, if too much dust is found, it must be removed to ensure air circulation and prevent insulation breakdown, pay special attention to clean the insulator of the transformer, the top and bottom of the winding assembly.

Use a hand blower or dry compressed air or nitrogen to blow dust in inaccessible Spaces such as ventilation channels, and there should be no foreign matter. In the case of deposited putty, use anhydrous ethanol to remove. (3) Comprehensive inspection of the transformer core and the appearance of its clips. The surface is overheated, deformed, and the screws are loose. Check whether the insulation of each core piercing screw is good. The bolt is measured with a 1000V swing meter, and the insulation resistance is generally not less than 100 MOo wiring and lead inspection. Check the fasteners and bolts of connectors at the lead terminals and taps on the high and low sides for signs of rust and corrosion, and tighten the tap bolts again. Check the coil. Check the surface of the insulator for signs of creepage or carbonization, damage, cracking, overheating, discoloration, and take appropriate measures to deal with it if necessary. Grounding check. Check that the transformer core is properly grounded at one point. Check and verify temperature controller and temperature measuring element. Inspection of accessory parts. Check the terminal block and its wiring, measure the motor, fan and ground transformer, secondary resistance, etc.

Of course, the harm is the short circuit between the core pieces, the increase of eddy current circulation, the increase of iron loss, the increase of the heat of the core, and the serious damage will be caused by the local temperature rise is too high and the insulation of the adjacent parts will be endangered, and then the transformer will be burned. The main reason for core rust is that the surface rust treatment is not good, and it rusts when it is damp. For dry change may be the pre-rust removal is not clean, dip (brush) paint is not thorough, just the operating environment is damp. For oil change, the oil may be affected by moisture.

The above are the main hazards of the common dry transformer core rust, for the dry transformer core usually to strengthen protection, prevent rust, especially do not rain, so that the performance and function of the dry transformer will be improved. For more knowledge about dry transformers, please log in to our website for detailed understanding!

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