
Selection of circular form of rectifier transformer line


  The selection of the circular form of the rectifier transformer line is related to the capacity, voltage and connection method, usually, the small voltage transformer high and low voltage coils are used in the circular simple form: for the medium capacity rectifier transformer, when the low distance number is more, the low voltage coil is the spiral type, the high voltage coil is the continuous type, for the flow transformer, the low voltage line number is less, the current is large, usually the double pie type. The high voltage wire circle is in the form of coil and arrangement.


  The diagram arrangement of small and medium-sized capacity rectifier transformer is the same as that of power transformer, the low-voltage line is round near the iron core, and the high-voltage coil is outside the low-voltage coil: when the low voltage has two groups of coils, it can also be lower high-voltage low-voltage arrangement: the large-capacity rectifier transformer is convenient for the low-voltage lead line, the high-voltage line state iron core, and the low-voltage rectifier transformer is the same as the low-voltage lead line. The low-voltage coil is arranged outside the high-voltage coil. The high-capacity rectifier transformer has several rectifiers working in parallel.

The low voltage coil of the rectifier transformer is divided into several groups accordingly. Considering the limitation of short circuit current, the voltage drop caused by lead reactance may be large if the lead wires of the corresponding group of large capacity rectifier transformers are improperly arranged in the high voltage diagram. If the reactance of each shunt lead is not equal, the current of each parallel working group will be distributed. Lead arrangement average: the strong AC magnetic field of the lead will also cause local overheating of the structural parts. The principle of lead arrangement should make the conducting phase the same, through the same current size and the opposite direction of the lead with the amount of close to the large current of the rectifier equipment sometimes use the same phase and reverse parallel wiring mode, in order to reduce the lead reactance, this wiring mode is consistent with the principle of the lead arrangement, if the rectifier transformer is burned out and the coil is re-wound, it takes about fifteen days.

Transformer manufacturers 100kV · A and below rectifier transformers are usually made of air self-cooling, placed in the rectifier cabinet, do not come with the case, medium capacity rectifier transformers are usually made into oil-immersed self-cooling, outdoor devices. Large capacity rectifier transformers are mostly outdoor devices, there are also semi-outdoor type, the cooling method is selected according to different conditions, electrolytic rectifier transformer by a separate load regulating autotransformer voltage regulation, sometimes for the type of device and cooling method to save the installation area, there will be more voltage regulating autotransformer and rectifier transformer body installed in the same box.

The rectifier is a combination device of a transformer and a rectifier, and the rectifier cabinet is directly installed on the side of the rectifier transformer. The advantages of this device, in addition to saving the installation area, can also shorten the connection line between the transformer and the rectifier, which can reduce the uneven current distribution between the rectifier group due to the unequal reactance of the connection line, and also reduce the bus loss and voltage drop, so that the power and power factor of the entire device are improved.

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