
Four ways to install transformers


  The four mounting square vibration speeds of the vibration speed converter are usually used to measure the vibration of the bearing, and in a few cases will also be used to measure the shaft vibration. When measuring vibration speed, if the transformer is installed incorrectly or not firmly, the measurement result will be distorted or the transformer will be damaged due to vibration. Therefore, we should carefully choose the installation side of the vibration speed transformer.


  When the transformer is used to measure the vibration of the rotating shaft, the installation is usually taken in the field by hand, plasticine adhesive water magnetic sucker fixation, bolt fixation and other four ways. In the temporary vibration measurement, most of the hand-held transformer is used. This method is flexible and easy to use, especially when the number of vibration speed transformers is short and the interchangeability of the transformers is not good. The disadvantage is that the test error is relatively large, and the work intensity is also large.

It is also more convenient to use plasticine viscosifier, and the accuracy of the measurement results is much better than that of hand help. It should be noted that the plasticine can not paste the vibration speed transformer to the vertical plane, but can only be fixed on the horizontal plane, such as measuring the vertical, horizontal and axial vibration of the top of the bearing seat. When the bonding is strong and the frequency is 50Hz, the method has a large energy of 300μm vibration.

Another disadvantage of plasticine is that the adhesive acceptance effect is large, higher and lower will significantly reduce the adhesive, so it is not suitable for fixed high turbine rotor and disc wheel bearings measured in the speed converter; When starting cold in winter, the bearing is too low to be used.

Permanent magnet sucker fixed speed converter is more convenient than the square of plasticine, and at present, the domestic can also produce a size of φ50 or 50mm*50mm permanent magnet sucker, its absorption can reach 196N, with such a sucker fixed vibration speed converter below 500g, adsorbed on the horizontal surface, can measure 1000μm vibration. The disadvantage is that the surface of the bearing seat of the general unit is coated with mud or paint, which will lead to the absorption of the suction cup, so when the adsorption is on the vertical plane and the amplitude is large, it is also necessary to assist the armrest to avoid the transformer falling off and breaking.

By bolting the speed converter directly to the bearing, vibration can be reliably measured not only in the top three directions of the bearing seat, but also in two directions in the vertical plane. This installation method is one of the four installation methods.

In short, the installation of the vibration speed transformer depends on the needs of the measurement, according to different working environments, choose one of the above four ways, so as to ensure the smooth progress of the measurement and reduce the measurement and test errors.

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