
SGB11-1250KVA/10KV/0.4KV non-encapsulated dry transformer installation


SGB11-1250KVA/10KV/0.4KV non-encapsulated dry transformer installation is the unanimous concern of everyone, for SGB11-1250KVA/10KV/0.4KV non-encapsulated dry transformer installation should pay attention to grasp the core technology, the installation of dry transformer should pay attention to the problems are more. Under normal circumstances, the installation of dry transformer should pay attention to procedures and technology, for the installation of dry transformer is as follows:

The installation of the distribution dry transformer should meet the requirements of the working voltage of the customer, and minimize the installation of the distribution dry transformer in the wild mountains, vulnerable to lightning strikes and put an end to the residential area, as long as it is not conducive to the maintenance of the operation staff, and is not conducive to the management method of the worker.

Effectively select the volume of the distribution dry-type transformer

The effective selection of the volume of the distribution dry transformer is also very important, which can neither cause the distribution dry transformer to burn down under the load nor cause the waste of the horse car. Should be based on the customer load, statistical analysis of the volume, effective selection of distribution dry transformer volume. For example: each 200 kV ·A distribution dry transformer, the power factor is 0.85, it can take 86kW load.

Increase the measurement of electrical load

In the peak of the power load, the load measurement of each distribution dry transformer should be increased, and the measurement frequency should be increased if necessary. The distribution dry transformer with unbalanced three-phase current should be adjusted immediately to avoid the excessive neutral current flow which is easy to burn the lead and cause the customer's machinery and equipment to burn down.

Avoid installing bottom pressure metering boxes on distribution dry transformers

The bottom pressure metering box installed on the distribution dry type transformer platform in remote and poor areas should be slowly abolished, and installed in the room as far as possible. For example, when the Bureau killed the township without electricity two years ago, in order to strictly manage and avoid power consumption damage, the bottom pressure metering box was installed in remote and poor areas. Failure of laminated glass of metering box or failure of pile head of distribution dry transformer bottom can not be immediately replaced, resulting in damage of distribution dry transformer due to the root cause such as the burning of the energy meter due to precipitation.

Reasonable flow distribution dry transformer high and low voltage fuse solution

Distribution dry transformer high and low voltage fuse solution is not scientific, easy to cause the distribution dry transformer more serious load and burn the distribution dry transformer. The high voltage and low voltage solution should be equipped in accordance with: ① the transformer with A volume of 200 kV ·A is equipped with a fuse of 2.2 ~ 5.0 times the rated voltage; ② The transformer with A volume of 200 kV ·A is equipped with a solution of 1.6 ~ 2.2 times the rated voltage; ③ The bottom pressure side fuse should be equipped with a little larger than the rated voltage.

Do not adjust the tap power switch without permission

Because of the difference in the power load in three seasons of the year, the working voltage height is slightly different, in order to meet the requirements of the working voltage, some rural electricians casually adjust the tap power switch without carrying out the relevant detection, resulting in the tap power switch is not timely, resulting in a two-color short-circuit fault and burned distribution dry transformer.

Distribution dry transformer high and low modified insulation cover

In order to avoid flood disasters and external force damage, when necessary, the residential areas with narrow roads and mountain forest nature reserves are modified with high voltage and low voltage insulation cover to avoid the bottom voltage short circuit failure caused by falling things on the distribution dry transformer.

The above are the main procedures and various methods for the installation of the common dry transformer. In the process of the installation of the dry transformer, attention should be paid to the above order, so that the installation of the dry transformer will reach the standard and the quality will be improved.

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